About this blog

I began this blog to share more information about the project "Common Threads, Community Patterns" that I created for the plaza at Seattle's Beacon Hill light rail station.  Under the Introduction tab you will find the piece that I wrote as the project was drawing to a close (it revised my proposal statement).  Under the overview tab you will find a brief description of the 3 basic elements in the project.  When this project was installed two and a half years ago, I designed a plaque to act as a key to the cultures represented in these paving stones.  You can find the graphic for that plaque under the KEY tab.  I decided that rather than wait for the plaque to be installed I would share that information here.  Initially I have posted photos of the pavers along with the most basic cultural information including nation, culture group, technique (embroidery, weaving, appliqué, etc.) and date where that is known.  Later I will add photos of the source material and other descriptive notes.  In my exploration of textiles for this project I have come across many fascinating stories and I hope to share what I can.  The Seattle Public Library has been an excellent source for books on this subject and I highly recommend it for those interested in learning more.  I would also like to thank Carletta Wilson, my favorite librarian in the art department of the downtown branch for all of her generous assistance.